Moving on with ideas

Okay so, I realized the other day that having a blog is intimidating. I’ve been looking at Second Life blogs for years. I don’t know why I should be intimidated. I know that some people put links to all the items in their pictures (I love those) but, I still enjoy looking at blogs that don’t have the urls to the stores. So, I’m going to stop being a wuss and just post pictures. At least, until I feel like adding links. ^^




Learning to blog – be gentle!

I have no idea if anyone will find my blog in the thousands (millions?) of blogs that there are online. If you’ve found it, be kind! I honestly have no idea what I’m doing yet. To start, I’ll tell you what I’d like this blog to be about. I like to spend time shopping around in Second Life and exploring. So those are the pictures that I will be putting here. I have zero photoshop skills, so the pictures may be cropped a bit, but not really edited heavily. Still, with that being said, I’ll be aiming to take nice pictures. In the future, I will add credits for the items in my pictures to the locations of the items as well.

Exploring SL.
Exploring SL.